Scottish Wildlife Trust

The Scottish Wildlife Trust has been championing nature conservation for almost 50 years. From maintaining a network of over 120 reserves and campaigning at a local and national level for greater protection for wildlife, the trust's activities aim to protect Scotland's wildlife for the future.

Use the links below to find out more about the Scottish Wildlife Trust's activities:

Scottish Beaver Trial
The first beavers released in Scottish waters for over four hundred years.
Saving Red Squirrels
Our campaign to protect the 120,000 red squirrels that remain in Scotland.
Living Landscapes
Reconnecting Scotland's urban and rural landscapes to help wildlife thrive.
Reserve Conservation
From managing over 120 reserves to maintaining biodiversity data.
Policy & Campaigns
Campaigning for greater protection for wildlife throughout Scotland.
Wildlife Education
Educating & inspiring the public, both young and old, about Scotland's wildlife.

Click here to find out more about being a member of the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

Visit the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Visitors Centre by clicking here.

Scottish Wildlife Trust
Harbourside House
110 Commercial Street

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Phone: 0131 312 7765