
Acarsaid Hotel

The hotel features 19 uniquely styled bedrooms, ranging from single to super-king sizes, situated on either the ground or first floor.

The Acarsaid Hotel is easily accessible, located on Atholl Road, the main street running through Pitlochry. For those arriving by train, Pitlochry station is on the main route from London to Inverness, and the walk from the station to the hotel is pleasant, passing through the town's shops and tea rooms. For guests bringing bicycles on the train, it's advisable to book in advance with ScotRail.

Room rates vary depending on the season and room type. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's recommended to check availability directly through the hotel's website.

8/10 Atholl Road
PH16 5BX

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Phone: 01796 472389

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